South African Electrotechnical Export Council

The SAEEC, a partnership between South African businesses and thedtic, promotes the export of electro-technical goods and services globally, especially in Africa. It aids international organizations seeking to establish a presence in Africa through initiatives and services, enhancing competitiveness. Its membership includes large engineering firms and numerous SMMEs. 

SAEEC focuses on positioning South Afric#a for future industries like Renewable Energy, Green Technology, 4iR, and Electrical Vehicle Manufacturing. South African companies are known for their expertise in power and telecom projects in Africa. They also have a robust automotive manufacturing industry hosting major brands. 

SAEEC serves as a gateway for organizations seeking partnerships or sourcing from South African electrotechnical companies. 

South African Electrotechnical Export Council
Chiboni Evans
8 Beverly Hills Crescent, Highveld, Centurion
Pretoria, 0157, Republic of South Africa
Phone: +27 (0)81 451 9534 / +27(0) 11 315 0209
Twitter: @SAEEC9

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