November 12th – 13th, 2025 | STATION BERLIN

60th Symposium Procurement and Logistics

+ Pre-Event-Workshops November 11th, 2025


How we plan to become more sustainable

We take sustainability seriously and are increasingly focusing on socially and ecologically responsible action. But one thing is certain: an event of this scale is not sustainable!

But we are keen to learn and become continously better in our actions.

Here is what we’ll do right away:

Catering: More sustainability with our catering partner

Togther with our cateting partner Berlin Cuisine, we focus on varied, regional delicacies with as little waste as possible. The nose-to-tail concept pursued by our catering partner focuses on utilising the animal as completely as possible out of respect.

Our Carbon Footprint

In 2023 we started collecting data. We offset the emissions incurred, identified weaknesses and started communication, collaboration with our suplliers and partner companies on improvement concepts.

Help us reduce emissions: Forming travel groups instead of individual travel; rethinking the size of your hotel room, etc. We are currently working on a compilation of useful tips and tricks.

Travel in an Environmentally Way

We would be pleased if our participants will travel in an environmentally friendly way. This is possible, for example, with the event ticket in cooperation with Deutsche Bahn. You can find more information at

Recycling of participant badges

We will not be using plastic name badges for our participants. Nevertheless, please dispose of your badge including lanyard in the boxes provided at the check-in at the end of the event. This way, clips and lanyards can be reused.

Resource awareness: Give-aways

Events live from interaction. This classically includes that many exhibitors provide give-aways. However, we encourage our exhibitors to review their current give-away culture and opt for fewer and more sustainable give-aways. To this end, we will be happy to advise if necessary. Just get in touch with us.

60th Symposium Procurement and LogisticsNovember 12th – 13th, 2025STATION BERLIN